Friday, March 28, 2025

Lauren discusses the Delirium Trilogy in a new video

6:24 AM Posted by Ella Preuss

Lauren sat down with HarperTeen's people and talked about what it's like for her to write the Delirium Trilogy.

Pandemonium hits stores March 2012, only three months away! Have you pre-ordered it? If you haven't, stay tuned because I'll be posting a giveaway soon!

Announcing... HANA, Lauren's new Delirium Short Story!

6:12 PM Posted by Ella Preuss

While we're all anxiously awaiting for Pandemonium's release next March, Lauren prepared something very special to help us live through these next few months: a new short story told in Hana's POV!

You can buy it through Hodder (its UK publisher) here.

AND, there's a really sweet DIY Christmas Decoration you can download here. Print it, make it, take a pic and share it, because that will help you win a Pandemonium copy when it comes out! Cool, huh? 

I'll be making my deco soon, and sharing it with you. You can do the same! 


Outside In (Insider, #2), by Maria V. Snyder

5:43 PM Posted by Ella Preuss

Release Date: March 1st, 2011

Publisher: Harlequin Teen

Age Group: Young Adult

Overall: 5 Stars 

Categories: Sci-Fi, Space Travel, Action

Goodreads Page

Read from November to December 2011

Me? A Leader? Okay, I did prove that there's more to Inside than we knew. That a whole world exists beyond this cube we live in. And finding that led to a major rebellion - between worker scrubs like me and the snobby uppers who rule our world. Make that ruled. Because of me, we're free. I thought that meant I was off the hook, and could go off on my own again - while still touching base with Riley, of course. He's the one upper I think I can trust. But then we learned that there's outside and then there is Outside. And something from Outside wants In.

My Opinion:

Thanks to the Insider Series, I now like Sci-Fi books. I didn’t use to; I started Inside Out thinking it was just another Dystopia and ended up being surprised: it was a sci-fi, and I loved it! It was also my first Snyder book, and it got me hooked! Now I want to read every book by her.

Outside In begins where IO left off: the Force of Sheep had won the rebellion, the Insiders learnt they were travelling through Outer Space, the Travas were arrested, a Committee was formed and new levels were discovered. Trella and her friends thought they had nothing else to worry about, but soon they found out how wrong they were.

I truly love how Maria crafts her characters’ personalities, I could sometimes guess how some of them would act, but most of the time, everything was a surprise, which was brilliant!

This book is all about love, trust and betrayal, and making tough choices in the name of everyone on board. Trella must figure out who she can trust and defend everything that’s being threatened in Inside.

A must for Snyder and Sci-Fi fans everywhere!

We wish you a Merry Christmas!

3:39 PM Posted by Ella Preuss

(or whatever you celebrate!)
And  a Happy New Year!

Thank you for being there, always!
Love from the Deliriously Falling Team <3

Ryan Gosling Reads Young Adult

10:47 AM Posted by Ella Preuss

Oh, you didn't know? Well, he does. And sometimes he cries. 

(I don't know why people created this meme, but it's amazing!)

Reviews from Around the Globe: Libros por Leer reviewed DELIRIUM

9:27 AM Posted by Ella Preuss

A Spanish boy read and reviewed DELIRIUM, and he LOVED it! YAY, another Lauren fan!

I thought I'd give it a six over five, but I've remained firm and decided to keep that rating for its sequel, which, I hope, lives up to it. That being said, I can go crazy.  Shghgjsuuuwwlliigig!!bgagbjsgigigiigs y también gusaiusdgbjjjguwerbnig. It's such a hard novel to review...
I don't know what to think: if Lauren Oliver is mean, or if she's just a writing goddess.

Read more (in Spanish) here: Libros por Leer

UK Book Trailer for Hallowed (Unearthly, #2)

10:39 AM Posted by Ella Preuss

WOW. Creepy. I just loved Unearthly and I've requested Hallowed from NetGalley, so hopefully I'll be reading and reviewing it soon. I have to know what happens to Tucker!

And I think I like this style of cover more, don't you?

Borrowing Abby Grace #1: The Shadow, by Kelly Green

10:39 PM Posted by Ella Preuss

Release Date: October 17th, 2011
Publisher: Backlit Fiction
Age Group: Young Adult
Overall: 3 Stars 
Categories: Paranormal, Body-Swap, Mystery
Goodreads Page - Twitter - Facebook
Read in December 2011

Sent to repair the lives and loves of teenagers on the edge of disaster, smart and sassy Abby Grace has everything going for her, except one thing: a body.
My Opinion:

BAG is a book with a lot of potential, and I felt it really could have given us more. It was all there, but not completely there. 

We meet Abby, a ghost (we're not sure about this yet) to give it a term, who's inside a girl's body: Brooke needs her help with something and Abby's here to do the job for her. 

When I was asked to review this, I said "Why not? Sounds good!". And it was, but I wish we'd gotten more info about Abby and her handler (?) Will, and also, about her Borrowing businness. I know we'll get all this in the next books, but for a First in a Series, it lacked that thing that makes you want to run to the bookstore and buy the sequel. 

Nevertheless, The Shadow is a short book (only 50-ish pages) and a fun read for a cold afternoon when you want to curl up in a sofa and read.

Up next, BAG #2: Girl Steals Guy!


8:17 AM Posted by Ella Preuss

(spoilers for those of you who haven't read DELIRIUM)

...maybe. OK, that was mean, I know. But lately we've been getting a lot of comments on the Pandemonium summary post, mostly saying that Lauren can't possibly kill Alex, that he and Lena have to be reunited.

I fully support this! Delirium's ending was heartbreaking, just the thought of Alex getting killed made me cry so bad. I'll be reading Delirium again soon, to prepare for Pandemonium's release.

But in the meantime I wanted to ask you: What would you say to Lauren about Alex being left behind, and Lena possibly falling for someone from the Wilds?

Tell us in the comments, we'll gather it all up and send it off to her!
