Monday, March 31, 2025

Before I Fall: The Movie

9:56 PM Posted by Ella Preuss

So, back in July, Fox 2000 optioned the rights to Before I Fall, but we have no idea as to when Fox might start with its production. Might be next year, might be in 2012, 2013...

But there's already a buzz about who might star this film, taking the role of Sam.

Some say Selena Gomez, others Miley Cyrus (there's an article I liked that says "Let's hope Miley stays away from this one," and I can't help but to agree).

I honestly can't see either being Sam, they just don't look like Sam to me.

I'd really like Sam to be played by someone who isn't known, someone new and fresh. But I've seen some dreamcasts and there are some very cool choices for who could play Lindsay, Ally and Elody.

One choice I liked was for Elody, and it was Ashley Rickards. She plays a really cool character in The CW's One Tree Hill, and I think she'd be a nice choice for Elody.

Do you have someone in mind for this role, or any of the other characters? Share! We'll be featuring different choices in an upcoming feature. 



  1. Unknown said...

    Totally agree with you on this one, I want someone unknown too. =)

  2. Ella Preuss said...

    @Cynthia: I know, right? I'd be so mad if it were starred by some Disney actress, they wouldn't fit the role.

  3. Misssouljaboy12 said... i think the characters would be good for Before I Fall. check it out and let me know what you think of it.

  4. Marcia said...

    I can't WAIT!!

  5. Anonymous said...

    i am sooooo excited i loved this book and are resently reading a book similar called "if i stay" by Gayle Forman but yeah this book was sooo amazing i couldnt put it down cant wait for the movie

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