Friday, March 28, 2025

Delirium ARC Christmas Giveaway Winner!

9:36 AM Posted by Ella Preuss

And the winner is:

Joyce Farmer!

Congrats Joyce!

I've emailed her, and passed her address on to HarperCollins, so she should get her book soon.

Make sure you stay tuned for more giveaways in the month of January!
We're having a big Countdown month to celebrate the release of Delirium!

Delirium Pre-Order Giveaway!

9:24 AM Posted by Lori

I'm giving away a pre-order of Delirium as part of my Birthday Blogoversary Bash on my blog!!

The countdown to Delirium starts Saturday!! We have some fun things planned and, of course more giveaways!

If you liked Before I Fall...

6:46 AM Posted by Lori

Sadly, it has been months since the release of Before I Fall and there is still months to go before the release of Delirium. You need something to fill the time, right? Maybe some books similar to Before I Fall? Well then you are in luck! I have complied a list of books that I think you will like and maybe they will pass the time. Without further ado, here they are:

by Nina LaCour
by Anna Jarzab
by Jennifer Hubbard
by Holly Schindler
by Gayle Forman
by Jennifer Echols
by Lisa Schroeder
by Julia Hoban
by Sarah Ockler
by Holly Cupala

I hope you find a new book to love from this list! Do you have anything to add? Let us know!

Delirium ARC Christmas Giveaway! -CLOSED-

2:07 PM Posted by Ella Preuss

Can't wait till the release of Delirium? Want to win a collectible ARC? (You won't find this book anywhere else for much longer!) I love the new cover, but this one is great too, showing the intensity of Lena's feelings. Amazing!

So, if you want to win this book, just fill out this form!
One of the extra entries is from a Referral: Tell someone about the site, and get 5 extra entries! If you were referred, you get 3 extra entries. We're hoping a lot more people will join the blog, cause you'll want to be here for the January Countdown towards the release of Delirium!
Good luck! Contest ends Dec 26th.

Happy Birthday Lori!

12:49 PM Posted by Ella Preuss

Today's Lori's birthday! Everyone go wish her a happy birthday on her blog!

Where did the idea for Delirium come from?

9:50 PM Posted by Ella Preuss

It's very interesting to find out the inner workings of Lauren's mind. To me, at least.
I love the way she keeps gesturing with her hands, so funny!


Read a Goodreads Interview with Lauren

10:46 AM Posted by Ella Preuss

I just found this interview that Goodreads had with Lauren last month, where she answered fans' questions.

Here are some of my favourite answers:

[About Sam's cruelty in the early chapters of BIF]:
"I'm sure that some people were tempted to put the book down or not continue reading. I actually give credit to the blogosphere, because I would see on blogs, "I really don't like this main character, but I've seen so many other blogs telling me just to keep going, so I will." I think that had my book been published before the blogosphere existed, it would not have had the same success and reception."
I have to admit, I do that a lot, the checking to see what others think of a book I'm reading to see if I should keep going. I was no exception to this when reading BIF. It took me a while to get into it, but after a few chapters I was hooked!

[About heavy subjects dealed with in BIF]:
"Part of what is dangerous about the high school age is that you have so little perspective. It seems like high school is your whole life, and there is no escape from it. But it is, in fact, not your whole life, and it will get better. You just have to persist through that era. Reach out to people for help, try to expand your circle. That's all I can really say. It's not always going to be like this."
Living in a different country, I didn't have to go through the whole Northamerican HS drama experience. I  quite liked my Secondary School years, but couldn't wait to leave them behind. Nothing exciting ever happened where I live, that's why I'm so glad to be moving to a bigger city next year, to start uni. (I'm going to Film School, btw.) But yes, the feeling that those years are the most important ones of your life was there. And I'm happy to say that they're not. They're just a fraction of your life, and they don't determine who you'll be in the future.

[On her writing habits]:
"I do most of my own writing when I'm shuttling between meetings on the subway. I write a lot on my Blackberry. I actually wrote all of Before I Fall on my Blackberry, e-mailing it to myself so I could read it between jobs, which people think is insane."
Too bad I don't have a Blackberry! My mobile is old school, but I'm really happy with it, and won't change it until I absolutely have to.
Lauren, that is totally insane. But if it worked for you, then awesome! BIF turned out to be an amazing book.

Read the whole interview here.

Before I Fall Read-Along in Fallen Archangel!

8:09 AM Posted by Ella Preuss

The girls at Fallen Archangel have started their Read Along, but it's not too late to join. 
You can join them in the Forum, to discuss the book with them and other members, like me; or, read it on your own and mark on your calendars the Live Chat with Lauren at the end of the R-A. They haven't got a specific date for it yet, but they will soon. It'll be during the week of December 13th.

Would you be up for a Delirium Read Along here on Deliriously Falling when it comes out?
