Friday, March 28, 2025

PANDEMONIUM expected to be released Feb 2012

10:37 PM Posted by Ella Preuss

A lot of you have been asking us this question, and while we don't have the exact date we know that Pandemonium, book Two in the Delirium Series, is expected to be published in February 2012.
According to an interview with Lauren, Requiem, book Three, will be released in February 2013. So every book in the Series will be released in February months! That's awesome.

And if you haven't read Lauren's latest post, she's having a L.A. themed challenge, where you have to write 200-300 words using the sentence: "The thing they never tell you about Hollywood--it may be the city of dreams, but it's also the city of nightmares."

We have new features coming up on the blog. Stay tuned!

Our New Twitter Page!

12:34 PM Posted by Ella Preuss

Deliriously Falling now has a Twitter page: @DeliriousGirls! Follow us to get the latest news on anything Lauren Oliver-related.

Also, we've got something to share with you. DF is taking a 180 degree turn, by not only blogging about Lauren, but by evolving into a YA Book Review blog!

Lori, Reg and I will be having a new feature: Book of the Month, where we'll feature a book (or a series), share our thoughts, reviews, interviews, contests, etc.

What do you think?

Lauren answers YOUR questions! Watch the video interview!

10:25 AM Posted by Ella Preuss

We asked you if you had questions for Lauren, and you gave us some. Now you can see if she answered your question!

Watching Lauren make a video is hilarious, so you won't want to miss these!

I also want to apologise for uploading them so late. We originally had another thing in mind, but I've just been so busy, what with my moving to another city and starting uni, I really didn't have time to edit them, and I wouldn't know how either; my brother was supposed to help me there.

I hope you enjoyed them, and remember to leave us and Lauren a message here in the comments! She gets every single greeting, I promise you.


Spread the Delirium Contest!

8:11 PM Posted by Ella Preuss

HarperTeen is having a great contest to celebrate the release of Delirium!
All you have to do to enter is take a photo of something you love, your deliria, and upload it to the HarperTeen Facebook page. 
You can win a SIGNED copy of the book plus a lovely bracelet from Tiffany and Co.!

Read the Official Rules and enter here.

News, a winner and more!

9:00 AM Posted by Ella Preuss

It's been a week since the release of Delirium, and it's already doing brilliantly. Like we all knew it would, of course.

Delirium has debuted #10 on a NYTimes list! YAY! We're hoping the book will get higher up on that list, and on any other.

Lauren's Tour is about to end, so if you're in her hometown, NYC, you can go see her today at The BookMark Shoppe in Brooklyn (8415 3rd Ave) at 5:00 p.m. Go show her some love! And take photos! We'd love to see some.

The signed Before I Fall contest is now closed, and the winner is Khyla! She's been contacted and, hopefully, she'll send us her address soon.

You still have time to enter in the Delirium Guess-The-Cover Challenge for a chance to win a Delirium ARC. This isn't a normal ARC, it's a Collectible!

One of the extra entries on the BIF Contest was to put a Post-It Note on a book and take a photo. Here are some of those entries:

Thanks everyone for participating! We had a lot of entrants in both the BIF and Delirium Pre-Order Contests, and we couldn't be more happy! You know what that means. More giveaways in the future, possibly a Delirium one!

Speaking of more contests, Lauren's UK publishers have created a Delirium FB Page you can "Like"! They have a very cool teaser trailer on the Wall, make sure you check it out.

Have you reviewed Delirium? If you have, then send us an email to and you can be featured here!

Come back tomorrow to watch Lauren answer some of your questions in a video interview!

Huge Pre-Order Contest Winner!

10:28 PM Posted by Ella Preuss

And the Winner is...
 Olivia Basham!
Congrats Olivia!
You've won a very cool prize pack, courtesy of Lauren Oliver!
She has 48 hs to contact me, or I'll choose someone else.
The BIF Contest is about to end, so go enter now!

Last day to enter our BIF Giveaway!

10:46 PM Posted by Ella Preuss

The Huge Delirium Pre-Order Contest is over, and I'll be selecting the winner tomorrow. But you can still enter our BIF giveaway and win a signed hardcover copy!
You've got until tomorrow 12 PM EST.


Delirium is out TODAY!!!

7:04 PM Posted by Lori

Aren't you excited!? Are you petting it and calling it 'my precious' right now? I hope you are! Because today is that day! Delirium is out in the world and I get excited just thinking about the readers that will get to experience it for the first time!

If you don't have it yet....WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!