Monday, March 31, 2025

Avatar: The Last Airbender, Volume One: The Promise, #1, by Gene Luen Yang

11:26 PM Posted by Ella Preuss

With: Bryan Konietzko
By (artist): Gurihiru
With: Michael Dante DiMartino
Release Date: January 25th, 2012
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Age Group: Children's
Overall: 4 out of 5 Stars
Categories: Avatar: The Last Airbender, NetGalley, Comics
Goodreads Page 
Read in April 2012 

The wait is over! Ever since the conclusion of Avatar: The Last Airbender, its millions of fans have been hungry for more--and it's finally here!

This series of digests rejoins Aang and friends for exciting new adventures, beginning with a faceoff against the Fire Nation that threatens to throw the world into another war, testing all of Aang's powers and ingenuity!
The continuation of Airbender and the link to its upcoming sequel, Legend of Korra!
My Opinion: 

I love Avatar: The Last Airbender, so when I saw this title in NetGalley, of course I had to have it!

The Promise starts off just where the TV show ended: with the Fire Nation's Lord defeated, Aang victorious and with Katara (YAY!) and Zuko at the Fire Nation's throne. 

It is now Aang's job to ensure that everything goes peacefully with the Harmony Restoration Movement, aimed at bringing the people from the Fire Nation living in the colonies in the Earth Kingdom back to their land. But of course, when stuff like this happens, people tend to make roots in the place they're taken to, and that's what the Fire Nation people have done. Now they don't want to leave, and this may bring problems to Aang and Zuko's plan to take them "home".

Aang is a young boy, playful and loveable like always, as the rest of the characters: they're the same as they were in the TV show. The art was also very faithful, I loved some of their expressions! Especially Toph, love her! 

This was a very short read, at 74 pages, and we'll have to wait until next month for the next installment. Avatar fans, this is a must read, as it works as a link between A:TLA and Avatar: The Legend of Korra (now on TV!) 


  1. Cass said...

    I'm a Zutara fan, but I knew from the beginning that Aang would get the girl. It's written in stone, folks! (Imagine if, after Aang had saved the fricken world that Katara turned around and got with Zuko?)

    Have you watched episode 3 of Korra yet? So, so good and lots of fun shippy moments between Mako and Korra! :) Squee!! Sunday is my happy day (it's available online on Sundays here).

    I cannot wait for Promise Part 2. It should be good, hopefully we learn more about what happened to Zuko's mum - the big question!!

  2. Laura BurgandyIce said...

    That's really fun!!! NetGalley is always coming up with so many fun reads. ENJOY!!!

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