$2.99 Today Only! ANNA & THE FRENCH KISS by Stephanie Perkins!
10:00 AM Posted by Bonnie @ A Backwards Story
We have received word that resister Stephanie Perkins is spreading propaganda against the cure. She is calling it ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS and trying to tell teenagers that falling in love is a good thing, treating the warning signs of the deliria as a necessary building block to true love. The tale stirs up too many emotions and will have law-abiding citizens second-guessing the cure. This blatant attack on our regime will not be tolerated.

ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS has enough angst that it would make a good candidate for the sanitization process, stripping out certain parts to turn it into a proper cautionary tale. For one thing, Anna pines for a boy at her boarding school named Étienne, who already has a girlfriend. Both characters go through a lot of heartbreak in order to be together, an emotion no teenager should have to experience. By heightening the turmoil and cutting back on the view of love as a good thing, this book will be acceptable for public viewing.
Resister Stephanie Perkins mentions that she will be writing at least two more propaganda-filled tales, LOLA AND THE BOY NEXT DOOR and ISLA AND THE HAPPILY EVER AFTER. Capture the subject at all costs before she is able to spread her filthy lies about romance and hopes and dreams to the law-abiding masses.
This is a Code Red alert. Destroy memo after reading and memorizing the contents.
....If you're still reading this, you have entered the right password to override the government's system. Congratulations, fellow resisters!
For a more representative review of this fantastic book that our illustrious government doesn't want you to read, check out this top secret review through the proxy channel.
Spend no more than five minutes reading or the connection can be traced.
speedfastter -12p · 609 weeks ago
adpowerae · 590 weeks ago