Lauren's books are not only out in English. They're also published in Spanish and German, and it wouldn't surprise me to hear that they'll be translated into many more languages.
Just today I heard that Delirium will be out in Spain in March!
Here are the different covers for these books. Some are the official covers, while others are fan made. Take a look: which ones do you prefer?
First Covers |
Photographer's Cover |
Final Covers: US, Spanish and German |
Lauren and Delirium! |
Delirium's First Cover! |
Delirium's Official UK Cover |
Delirium's Final Covers: US and Spain |
So, which ones do you like? Personally, I like the American and Spanish BIF covers. At first, I was against the Spanish one, but it's grown on me.
And for Delirium, I like the American one. The UK one looks good, but the swirlies in the American cover are what I love. The birds you can see there, among the swirlies, are perfect, representing freedom, while the grey, Spanish one has barbed wire on it. It fits, I think, the grey and the barbed wire, but I like the message on the American one the best: freedom one the blue one against emprisonment on the grey one.
January 5, 2011 at 9:13 AM
Oh, I really liked this UK cover for Delirium! But the US ones are probably my favorite. :) LOVE all these two covers.
January 5, 2011 at 9:21 AM
I love the American cover for Before I Fall, but I love the Spanish cover for Delirium! So awesome!!
January 5, 2011 at 9:27 AM
I like both of the Delirium's first cover and the US cover- they are both very enticing. And the Spanish cover of Before I Fall is pretty awesometastic. The fan covers for Before I Fall are neat, too. Cover rock!
January 5, 2011 at 7:02 PM
I really like the Spanish BIF cover! And I like the US final Delirium cover best.
January 5, 2011 at 10:38 PM
I like them all. The fan made ones show real talent! The one thing I don't like about the US "Delirium" right now is the shade of blue BUT I'm holding off judgement until I see the cover in person. For example, here's another blog I follow that I was reading earlier today: She expresses my sentiments about the "Unearthly" cover EXACTLY. It looks so blah online, but in person, GORGEOUS. Although I like seeing the birds. I didn't see that before!
January 8, 2011 at 11:41 PM
I really love the Spanish cover for Before I Fall and the UK cover for Delirium. I love how blue the color is and the birds! But I'm sure the US one will look stunning in person!
January 17, 2011 at 6:51 AM
That 1st fan made Before I fall cover is really pretty! And I love the US cover for Delirium.