Friday, March 28, 2025

Read HANA for free...FOUR DAYS ONLY!

10:22 AM Posted by Bonnie @ A Backwards Story

Congratulations, DF fans!  Thank you so much for helping to spread the word about pre-ordering PANDEMONIUM.

Lauren hit her goal of 5,000+ pre-orders and has gifted us with HANA in its entirety.

You can read it right here on MTV for free...but only for four days!

Are you excited?  I know I am!  HANA had been going to tide me over until PANDEMONIUM came out...and then we got an ARC it at work.  So now it will hold me over until REQUIEM comes out!

For those who don't remember, Hana is Lena's best friend from DELIRIUM...and she'll be in REQUIEM in a big way!

....You're still here?  What are you waiting for?  Go, read.  NOW! ^.~

Pre-order PANDEMONIUM to read HANA for free on V-Day!

8:00 AM Posted by Bonnie @ A Backwards Story

Great news, DELIRIUM fans!  We're getting not one but TWO new additions to the DELIRIUM series this month!

You all know about PANDEMONIUM already, of course.

But do you know about Lauren's upcoming novella HANA?

It's based around--you guessed it--Lena's friend Hana's POV.  I was always interested in what was going on with Hana and sad when we saw the last of her (or DID we?  Lauren has hinted that she'll be returning in REQUIEM, the trilogy's jaw-dropping conclusion!).

I'm eagerly awaiting the release of this novella!

And....there's a chance that we can read it for FREE--and early--next week!

How, you ask?  By pre-ordering PANDEMONIUM this week!  Yesterday, Lauren blogged that if 5,000 people pre-order the novel, will release HANA in its entirety for FOUR DAYS starting on VALENTINE'S DAY.

That doesn't leave us much time at all!  If you're a member of Deliriously Falling, then you're already a Lauren Oliver fan.  So get out there and post this on your blogs, on Twitter, on Goodreads, on Facebook...wherever you can!!!

Let's help Lauren reach her goal--and the New York Times Best Sellers List!!!

Movie Adaptation of BEAUTIFUL CREATURES by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl finally commences!

8:58 PM Posted by Bonnie @ A Backwards Story

For those of you anxiously awaiting the news since movie options were picked up for BEAUTIFUL CREATURES by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl back in 2009, your wait is over.  The movie has kicked up into high gear and will begin filming this April in New Orleans.  The news broke today from Entertainment Weekly.  Expect more information to start seeping out over the next two months as casting information is released.  So far only award-winning actress Viola Davis has been confirmed.

[And in the interest of full-disclosure?  I have yet to read BEAUTIFUL CREATURES, though I did pick up a copy at a library sale last year.  I should get on this soon, yes?]

THE SELECTION: Coming Soon to a TV Screen Near You?

9:00 AM Posted by Bonnie @ A Backwards Story

I'm really excited, bookworms!

You guys know that I've been dying to read Kiera Cass' THE SELECTION since hearing about it in 2010.  I was even more excited when the beautiful cover debuted last year!  I was just peeking in at IMDB and saw that the CW has ordered a pilot episode of THE SELECTION.

The article states:

The CW has ordered three more intriguing drama pilots: One from J.J. Abrams, one that’s a “time-travel musical” (!) and a third that one insider described as “The Hunger Games meets The Bachelor.”
This is a very interesting crop. Here’s how it breaks down:
Title: The Selection
Logline: Based on the forthcoming series of books by Kiera Cass, The Selection is an epic romance set 300 years in the future which centers on a poor young woman who is chosen by lottery to participate in a competition to become the next queen of a war-torn nation at a crossroads.

Can you say EXCITED?  I can, especially after confirming the news on Cass' blog.  As long as they do it right, I'm in.  (Same goes for the time-travel musical if it doesn't turn into a wtf kind of thing.  I'm all about GLEE and SMASH!)