DELIRIUM's Spanish Reviews

12:15 AM Posted by Ella Preuss

Delirium was recently published in Spain, and it's already one of the most talked about topics in Spanish blogs.  I took some of these reviews and translated a little of them for you.

Luna Lunera (Diario de una Lunática) gave it 5 Moons:
The good, that narrating style, intimate and confessional, loaded with brilliant phrases; the best, the story. The genius idea of creating a story from the ridiculous notion of love being a disease. The bad, that it's a trilogy, and that it also has an ending that leaves us aching for the sequel. 
Noche de Palabras gave it 4 Owls:
My least favourite thing: THE ENDING. Dear Lauren: how could you finish it there? If there's something I get furious about is finishing a novel that leaves a tons of loose ends, and worse, if the book ends in a very important moment.  
Book Eater gave it 4 Books:
I've already commented on the ending, but I can't help but to talk more about it. It's been a long time since I read an ending like this one. I was unable to tear myself from those last pages, and I had to reread them to make sure I hadn't missed out on anything important. It will make you have mixed feelings, it'll make you want to scream, laugh, cry, kill the author (with kisses), anyway... just AMAZING.
Literatura Youth Fantasy gave it 5 Shields:
I fell in love with chapter 14, and to me, that's when things begin to actually happen.
I mean, during that chapter, I hugged a pillow (which I nearly destroyed), I almost threw my milk on myself, I threw a breadstick (don't ask me why or where) that landed somewhere behind my computer table and I still know nothing of it, etc...
I think I was just as upset as -maybe even more upset than- Lena, with the whole raids thing.
Are you a Spanish speaker? Then visit those blogs, because they're really cool!


  1. Olga Salar said...

    Thank you very much for including my review. The truth is that I loved and I have wanted to read the second book.

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