Friday, March 28, 2025

Lauren in London!

10:24 PM Posted by Ella Preuss

I just logged on to my You Tube account to make my IMM vlog, and this was in my Suggestions. Such a beautiful video! It looks like everyone had a fabulous time -and tea!- and I just adore the song for Delirium that you can hear in the background.

Also, an English blogger, Tara, blogged about Lauren's visit to London. Read her full post here.

She's getting two copies! Who could the extra be for?
Tara and Lauren

Lauren à Toulouse! Listen to her singing!!!

11:49 AM Posted by Ella Preuss

We have more photos from another French blogger, Laura, who was at a signing in Toulouse. She was kind enough to contact us and share her stuff with us. If you're French, or want to read the post in French, go here to her original post.

Lauren looks very concentrated on signing her books!
Lauren and Laura, the French blogger!
Laura says in her post that Lauren read the first chapter of Delirium to them, but that, unfortunately, they hadn't brought the French copy of Before I Fall, which will be coming out on April 6th in France and will be titled "Le dernier jour de ma vie".
Lauren and the atendees looking awesome.

A drawing a boy named Louis made for Lauren. I think it's just like her!

Lauren also sang a song! Listen as she sings "The Little Mermaid"! I think she did a great job :)

You wanna know what Lauren's signature looks like? Well, here it is!

"Dear Laura, I'm so glad to have finally met you! Thank you so much for having come, and I hope to see you again next time I visit Toulouse." 
Merci Laura pour donner ces photos and video!

Remember to let us know if Lauren made an appearance at your local library and you took pics and/or filmed it. We'll feature you too!


Writing Tips from Lauren

9:46 PM Posted by Ella Preuss

Lauren wrote a very interesting post for the inkpop blog that I wanted to share with you wannabe writers out there:

People often ask me about how to create dimensional characters, and usually I respond that for every character, you should know his/her wants and needs, and how these differ. (A character might WANT to date the head cheerleader, for example; but he might NEED to feel accepted).

But a recent conversation with Gayle Foreman made me realize that understanding character is slightly more complicated than that, since it requires that you really understand PEOPLE. And with that in mind, I’ve assembled a little list of “method-writing” tips. Never heard of method-writing? Like method-acting, method-writing asks that you get inside the minds of your characters.

1. Be a spy. No need to bust out the all-black outfits and the infra-red night goggles. Just start listening and paying attention. Instead of zoning out on the bus and listening to music, listen to the conversations other people are having. Observe how people eat, chew, fix their hair, adjust their scarves.

2. Walk a mile in someone else’s shoes…or at least think about it. One of my favorite games to play is to pick a person radically different than myself–a middle aged business-y type man, for example–and ask myself, how did he get to be who he is? What was his family life like? What does he dream about? What does he eat for breakfast?

3. Take an acting class/try out for a play! This seems crazy, but so many writers I know are also actors and theater buffs. Nothing teaches you more about being someone else.
4. Play pretend. When you’re a kid, I bet you dressed up and imagined you were a princess…or a soldier…or an impoverished servant forced to do slave labor by your cruel parents (or maybe that was just me when my mom asked me to set the table…). And then I bet you stopped. But playing pretend is a wonderful way of understanding the interaction of story and character. So bust out that princess tiara and play castle!

5. Play 20 Questions. I go out a bunch in New York City, and I’m often amazed by how rarely people actually ask each other questions (and even when they do, they often don’t listen to the answers). Everyone has a story; ask about it! When you meet someone new, ask what kind of music he/she listens to, or what it was like to grow up in the suburbs/country/big city, or what that person fears the most. That’s the only way you’ll start being able to relate to people and characters who are different from you. Bonus: it will make you the most popular guest at any party. Seriously. Try it.
[via inkpop blog]

Happy Birthday Heidi R. Kling! Help her Japan Fundraiser!

12:02 PM Posted by Ella Preuss

Today's Heidi R. Kling's birthday! 
I haven't had the chance to read Sea yet, but I've heard it's great.

We can all agree to what an amazing author and person Heidi is.
She's kind to all her fans, and bloggers alike. And you can see from her blog posts just what kind of person she is. Now, she's hosting a Fundraiser to help the people that have lost so much with the disaster of Japan. 
My husband works primarily in non-profits, and has donated his time overseas. He knows a lot about which charities are doing the best work, who give the most of their donations to the people themselves.  He recommends giving to Doctors Without Borders or Partners in Health.

Starting on my birthday tomorrow, our family is going to donate 20% of any new purchase of Sea, whether it be via Independent bookstore, Amazon, Nook, Kindle, discount stores, used online, or from me*, anywhere they sell books— to Doctors Without Borders.
As long as I know about the purchase.
What you need to do, is take a picture of your receipt and send it to us at:
Your email will automatically enter you to win one of TEN “Dare to Love” tank-tops, available in turquoise and peach in all sizes,  and a signed poster of SEA.
I think what she's doing is more than amazing. She's willing to donate money and give back to her fans. I'm going to see if I can buy my copy of Sea and participate, because this is something that everyone should keep in mind, always. Read her full post here.

Happy birthday Heidi! I hope you have a wonderful day!

We're on Facebook!

9:07 AM Posted by Ella Preuss

We're on Facebook now! And we'll be sharing a ton of stuff there as well as here.
"Like" us!

Remember we're on Twitter too! We're the @DeliriousGirls!!!

Lauren's Europe Tour Schedule

7:45 PM Posted by Ella Preuss

For those of you living in Europe, here's Lauren's schedule for her tour:

Friday, March 18th, Paris, France:
  • 3H30-4H30: I'll be speaking at a round table with several other authors at the Salon du Livre de Paris on the theme of young adult literature.
Saturday, March 19th, Toulouse, France:
  • 3h00-6h00: I'll be at the Bookstore Gibert/Joseph, signing books!
Weds 23rd March, Ramsgate, Kent, England:  

Saturday, March 26th, Le Havr, France:
  • 3h00 -6h00 : booksigning/talk at the Librairie La Galerne 
Wednesday, April 6th, Paris, France:
  • 6h-8h00 : booksigning/talk at the  Virgin on the Champs Elysées
Will you be able to attend any of these events?

DELIRIUM's Official Song!

12:57 AM Posted by Ella Preuss

Isn't it AMAZING!? :O
The music and the lyrics are brilliant, they fit the book's theme perfectly!
It was written and performed by YA debut author and blogger, DJ DeSmyter.
Everyone tell us what you think, and if you like it, go over to DJ's blog, and tell him so!

DELIRIUM's Spanish Reviews

12:15 AM Posted by Ella Preuss

Delirium was recently published in Spain, and it's already one of the most talked about topics in Spanish blogs.  I took some of these reviews and translated a little of them for you.

Luna Lunera (Diario de una Lunática) gave it 5 Moons:
The good, that narrating style, intimate and confessional, loaded with brilliant phrases; the best, the story. The genius idea of creating a story from the ridiculous notion of love being a disease. The bad, that it's a trilogy, and that it also has an ending that leaves us aching for the sequel. 
Noche de Palabras gave it 4 Owls:
My least favourite thing: THE ENDING. Dear Lauren: how could you finish it there? If there's something I get furious about is finishing a novel that leaves a tons of loose ends, and worse, if the book ends in a very important moment.  
Book Eater gave it 4 Books:
I've already commented on the ending, but I can't help but to talk more about it. It's been a long time since I read an ending like this one. I was unable to tear myself from those last pages, and I had to reread them to make sure I hadn't missed out on anything important. It will make you have mixed feelings, it'll make you want to scream, laugh, cry, kill the author (with kisses), anyway... just AMAZING.
Literatura Youth Fantasy gave it 5 Shields:
I fell in love with chapter 14, and to me, that's when things begin to actually happen.
I mean, during that chapter, I hugged a pillow (which I nearly destroyed), I almost threw my milk on myself, I threw a breadstick (don't ask me why or where) that landed somewhere behind my computer table and I still know nothing of it, etc...
I think I was just as upset as -maybe even more upset than- Lena, with the whole raids thing.
Are you a Spanish speaker? Then visit those blogs, because they're really cool!

Lauren en France!

1:00 PM Posted by Ella Preuss

Thanks to the Spanish Facebook Page for Delirium, I was able to find this blog post from a French blogger who posted a video and a lot of pics from an appearance Lauren made in Lyon last Saturday.

If you can read French, then go to Ingrid's blog here.

Basically, Lauren is a little scared to speak French at first, she says, "because I'm American", but everyone tells her she's doing great, and they ask her to read from the book.

(Listening to so many people speaking in French makes me want to go back to studying it!)

Then she talks a little about Before I Fall; what it's about, etc., and reads the Prologue from the book. Her French is really good!

If I understood, someone asks her when is Pandemonium coming out, and Lauren says that she doesn't know exactly when, but that it's coming out on February 2012. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong!)

Then Ingrid, the blogger who filmed this, asks her about the trilogy, and Lauren explains how the titles were chosen, by her fans, "because I'm horrible at it", she says; and she also asks Lauren if she's liking Lyon, and Lauren of course says yes.

Then she goes on to signing the books!

Lauren and Ingrid, the French blogger!
Merci Ingrid pour donner cettes photos!
Ingrid is also giving away a SIGNED French copy of Delirium!

And remember, if Lauren makes an appearance at your local library and you took pics or filmed it, let us know! We'll feature you just like we did with Ingrid.

Happy beginning of the week!

News Page Updated

10:35 AM Posted by Ella Preuss

Hi everyone! As I'm sure you've noticed, we have a News page that we didn't update very often.
Well, that's changed, and we assure you that the page will be updated every week, so check back often and take a look!


DELIRIUM is out NOW in Spain!

1:57 PM Posted by Ella Preuss

Delirium is out in Spanish, so if you're from Spain (Hola!), GO BUY THE BOOK NOW!

The Spanish version of Delirium was released last Friday, 4th, by Spanish Editorial SM.

I love the cover; the colour, not so much, but the graphics, yes! Love the idea of barbed wire and roses, so poetic! And I also love that they kept the original title.
Delirium in Spanish is Delirio, so it's not that far off.

I'm crossing my fingers for it to reach Latin America soon!


Emily's Reading Room reviewed Delirium

6:22 PM Posted by Ella Preuss

I love this review, Emily says just what she thinks, and she has some excellent points!
She gave it four stars.

As a lover of all things dystopian, I was very eagerly anticipating a chance to read this book. In many ways, the book met my expectations, but in others I was left feeling a little bewildered.
Read the whole review here.

DELIRIUM optioned for film by Fox 2000!

11:32 AM Posted by Ella Preuss

I'm sure you've already heard the news, but I still wanted to post it here.

Fox 2000 signed a first-look deal with Paper Lantern Lit, a company co-founded by Lauren Oliver and Lexa Hillyer that focuses on young readers and writers. The deal includes film rights to Oliver's second novel, Delirium, which was offered to Fox by Mazur/Kaplan Company, owned by producer Paula Mazur and Mitchell Kaplan, owner of Books & Books, Miami, Fla. They will also produce Delirium, which is their second acquisition (after The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society).

Variety reported that Fox "has been more aggressive than its competitors recently in picking up rights to the high-profile young adult books on the market. Fox 2000 recently acquired rights to The Book Thief, a New York Times bestseller, and Incarceron, with Taylor Lautner attached to star.... Under the deal, Fox 2000 will have rights to develop and produce young adult work from both Oliver and Lantern's pool of authors. Last year, the shingle obtained rights to Oliver's flagship novel Before I Fall...."

Fox's president Elizabeth Gabler said, "We know there's a huge, really aggressive audience in young moviegoers. I think the trend right now is to look at things that are created for them." [Info via]
This means that both of Lauren's books will be turned into films! YAY! We're so excited!!!
Congrats Lauren, you definitely deserve it!

Happy Birthday Lindsay Eland and Carrie Jones!

11:03 AM Posted by Ella Preuss

Today, many years ago, two great authors were born:

and Carrie Jones, author of the Need Series!

Happy birthday ladies! And to you, go buy their books! That'd be a great present for them!