Lauren talks about the reactions to Pandemonium's summary
10:03 PM Posted by Ella Preuss
As it was expected, PANDEMONIUM's recently released summary made us all tremble in anticipation and delight.
Many of us are hoping, begging to the gods of literature, that Alex is okay and that he and Lena can be reunited. But the new summary may be telling us that there's a new love in Lena's horizon.
A lot of fans have approached Lauren, to ask her about this new developments. Here's what she had to say:
The release of the goodreads summary of PANDEMONIUM has, appropriately enough, inspired its own bit of pandemonium! I've been deluged with facebook messages and tweets about the direction of the series--some expressing excitement, some disapproval, and some anger. So I wanted to take this opportunity to respond.
I'm actually super grateful for all the discussion, dialogue, and debate; it proves how richly my fans have become invested in the world of Delirium, in Alex, and Lena, and Alex and Lena together; it proves, too, how strongly books begin to belong to the readers themselves, to their mental and emotional landscapes. Readers make predictions; they stake their hopes on certain outcomes.
I totally get it. I, too, feel that way about books I love. And I want to say: thank you for reading, and thank you for caring so much.
I also want to say--please be patient with me, with Lena, and with the unfolding of the story. Pandemonium took me to some very unexpected places. It is a different book from Delirium, just as Requiem will be a different book than the ones that preceded it. I need to follow the thread of the character; I need to be authentic to her growth. Lena lived through a deeply traumatic experience--her vision of the world needs enrichment and expansion. She is a young woman on the cusp of great change.
Please have a little faith! :) I promise, promise, promise, that ultimately I do not think my fans will be disappointed by the direction of the series, although I also promise that in my novels, as in life, there may be many twists, turns, and bumps in the road before we hit any truly happy endings.
But of course, it must be that way. As old Billy Shakespeare so eloquently said: The course of true love never did run smooth.
I can honestly say that I trust Lauren, and I know I'll end up loving PANDEMONIUM, no matter where she takes Lena.
Don't you love to suffer along with books' characters? I do.
Don't you love to suffer along with books' characters? I do.
First PANDEMONIUM Summary Revealed!
11:39 PM Posted by Bonnie @ A Backwards Story

Why should you care?
The synopsis for PANDEMONIUM is finally here:
Lauren Oliver captivated readers with DELIRIUM, the first book in a thrilling dystopian trilogy in which Lena Haloway dared to fall in love with Alex and escape the cure, the government-mandated procedure that renders a person immune to the disease of love. Lena and Alex staked their lives on leaving their oppressive society, but only Lena broke free.
PANDEMONIUM continues Lena’s gripping story. After escaping from Portland, Maine, Lena makes it to the Wilds and becomes part of an Invalid community, where she transforms herself into a warrior for the resistance. A future without Alex is unimaginable, but Lena pushes forward and fights, both for him and for a world in which love is no longer considered a disease. Swept up in a volatile mix of revolutionaries and counterinsurgents, Lena struggles to survive—and wonders if she may be falling in love again.
Full of danger, forbidden romance, and exquisite writing, Lauren Oliver’s sequel to Delirium races forward at a breathtaking pace and is sure to appeal to fans who crave the high-stakes action of THE HUNGER GAMES and the bittersweet love story of ROMEO AND JULIET.
The only bad news? The Strict on Sale Street Date is currently set for March 6, 2012, not February like we all thought. That’s an extra month of waiting for PANDEMONIUM!
The cover has yet to be revealed, but DELIRIOUSLY FALLING will reveal it to you as soon as it’s available, so keep checking back!
Resister Report: ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS by Stephanie Perkins
10:51 AM Posted by Bonnie @ A Backwards Story
We have received word that resister Stephanie Perkins is spreading propaganda against the cure. She is calling it ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS and trying to tell teenagers that falling in love is a good thing, treating the warning signs of the deliria as a necessary building block to true love. The tale stirs up too many emotions and will have law-abiding citizens second-guessing the cure. This blatant attack on our regime will not be tolerated.

ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS has enough angst that it would make a good candidate for the sanitization process, stripping out certain parts to turn it into a proper cautionary tale. For one thing, Anna pines for a boy at her boarding school named Étienne, who already has a girlfriend. Both characters go through a lot of heartbreak in order to be together, an emotion no teenager should have to experience. By heightening the turmoil and cutting back on the view of love as a good thing, this book will be acceptable for public viewing.
Resister Stephanie Perkins mentions that she will be writing at least two more propaganda-filled tales, LOLA AND THE BOY NEXT DOOR and ISLA AND THE HAPPILY EVER AFTER. Capture the subject at all costs before she is able to spread her filthy lies about romance and hopes and dreams to the law-abiding masses.
This is a Code Red alert. Destroy memo after reading and memorizing the contents.
....If you're still reading this, you have entered the right password to override the government's system. Congratulations, fellow resisters!
For a more representative review of this fantastic book that our illustrious government doesn't want you to read, check out this top secret review through the proxy channel.
Spend no more than five minutes reading or the connection can be traced.
New covers for Delirium!
12:00 AM Posted by Ella Preuss
Look! Ohhh, so pretty! And lovely!
With this new cover, they're releasing Delirium on Paperback in the UK.
Ella: I quite like it. LOVE her big blue eyes (I can't remember what colour are Lena's eyes right now, though), and the colour treatment on the photo is beautiful. Looks do say a lot. What do you girls think?
Bonnie: The first thing I notice are the model's huge eyes. They're a really pretty color, too, and pick up the background. I also like that she has freckles. That's one thing I liked about the cover treatment for Jenny Han's THE SUMMER I TURNED PRETTY. The model looks like an ordinary girl. I like that the subtext is linked to the title.
Cary: This cover is softer to me than the original. It catches me off guard in a way because the original cover is so intense. I do like this cover though, the model is beautiful and everything comes together quite nicely. I think I would have preferred the same font on this one as the original hardcover, but this one truly is lovely. I just feel that with it being such an intense book, the cover should match that.
Marisa: I'm actually not a big fan of this cover compared to the US & UK hardcovers. The girls eyes are gorgeous, don't get me wrong. But I adore the color of the US cover, and the effect of the girl being behind the title. This cover is nice, but it just doesn't strike me as much as previous ones.
Reggie: I agree with Marisa. This isn't my favorite cover for DELIRIUM. The girl on the cover is good, her eyes really capture the reader, and her freckles make her look like an ordinary girl but I don't really like the cover scheme and it isn't as aesthetically sound as the US HC cover and the UK HC.
Reggie: I agree with Marisa. This isn't my favorite cover for DELIRIUM. The girl on the cover is good, her eyes really capture the reader, and her freckles make her look like an ordinary girl but I don't really like the cover scheme and it isn't as aesthetically sound as the US HC cover and the UK HC.
Ella: And this new Special Edition cover! I think I'm in love with it. I love it even more than the UK one, this girl's eye tells you so much. ADORE it.
Again, I've no idea what colour are Lena's eyes, so I've asked Lauren. We'll see what she says.
Marisa: Ooh, I actually really like this one! Much more than the UK one. I like that it stays with the cool tones, and placement of the title with that green shadow is nice. I like this model better than the other one too. There's something about that intense expression that really draws the reader in.
Bonnie: This is my favorite of the two as well. I love all the earthy green and the make-up on the model. Her eyes are really pretty, and her lips are a great color. I love the green blur around the tittle and author. It looks really, really nice. As much as I love my shiny blue cover, *wants*
Reggie: I like this cover more than the first one. The model is really great and her eyes are just stunning. The colors of her lips and her eyes really contrast the earthy-feel of the background. However, the original US cover remains to be my favorite because in that one, the model is just amazing and the whole concept of the cover is really unique.
Everyone wonders, what IS Pottermore?
11:57 AM Posted by Ella Preuss
(Yes, I know this isn't Lauren Oliver-related, but didn't I tell you we were making changes around here?)
HP diehard fans -like myself- have been wondering this for days now. What exactly IS Pottermore? I'll let youtuber ratsrox explain what the rumours are so far:
HP diehard fans -like myself- have been wondering this for days now. What exactly IS Pottermore? I'll let youtuber ratsrox explain what the rumours are so far:
In the video, the countdown is 6 days, etc., etc. Right now, that countdown is set to 4 days, 20 hours, etc., etc.
If you go to the page and click on the owl, like is explained on the video, you'll be taken to a YT page like this one above. There in the dooblie-doo, it says, "The owls are gathering... find out why soon."
So, we can only guess and (impatiently) wait, until JKR announces something that is sure to change us fans's lives, and I'm not exagerating.
You can follow Pottermore on Facebook and visit its website.
Are you a HP diehard fan like me? Tell me!
Introducing Bonnie!
4:27 PM Posted by Bonnie @ A Backwards Story

Hi fellow bookworms! My name is Bonnie and I’m so excited to have joined the wonderful Deliriously Falling team! I’ve been keeping an eye on Lauren’s career since the very beginning. I was lucky enough to participate in the Barnes and Noble First Look program last year. Through it, I received an ARC of BEFORE I FALL before it was introduced to the rest of the world. It was wonderful to see the novel become so popular right out the gate. I also work in the Children’s and Teen section of my local BN, so I was able to talk about the book with people and get them reading. I forget if it was Lauren or her editor, Rosemary Brosnan, but during First Look, someone mentioned the contents of DELIRIUM on the forum. I thought it sounded really interesting. In August when I was going through my major dystopian phase, the re-release of BEFORE I FALL with the link to an online sneak peek of DELIRIUM got me really excited for the novel’s release. DELIRIUM is my favorite book of 2011 so far; it simply blew me away! I love how diverse and unique Lauren’s topics are, and as a fellow writer, I *adore* her character development.
Besides working at BN, I run a book review blog, A BACKWARDS STORY. I mostly review YA titles, though I do at times spread my wings a little further. Sometimes, I also blog about other things such as my writing process or other book-related topics. My favorite genre to read is fantasy. In particular, I like high fantasy (Kristin Cashore, Tamora Pierce, Cindy Pon, etc.), dystopian fiction (Suzanne Collins, Scott Westerfeld, Catherine Fisher, etc.), and mythological/fairy tale retellings (Juliet Marillier, Shannon Hale, Robin McKinley, etc.). For contemporary novels, I prefer books that make me “think,” ones that don’t have clear-cut answers or necessarily feel the need to end “happily ever after” (Jodi Picoult, Jacquelyn Mitchard, Heather Gudenkauf, etc.).
I’d love to chat with you about Lauren (or anything else!) on my blog, Twitter, GoodReads, etc. I can’t wait to meet you!
Joined Deliriously Falling on May 2011
Introducing Marisa!
4:26 PM Posted by Marisa

Hi, everyone! I'm Marisa, and I'm so excited to be a part of Deliriously Falling! Both BEFORE I FALL and DELIRIUM totally blew me away when I read them, and influenced me in ways that I never knew a book could. Both stories are so unique in concept, and are deep in the way that they provoke so much self questioning, leaving you continually thinking about these stories days after you put the book down. Needless to say, I'm a HUGE Lauren Oliver fan!
So, a little bit about me. I'm fifteen years old, just finishing up my freshman year of high school. I have three major loves: writing, reading, and dancing. Dance is one of the biggest parts of my life. I began when I was three years old, and I'm currently in tap, jazz, ballet, lyrical, and hip hop, with two of these classes being competition teams. While dancing is a huge part of me, my biggest dream is to become a published author. I've loved reading for as long as I can remember. I taught myself when I was three, and in second grade when everyone was reading CHARLOTTE'S WEB, I was reading HARRY POTTER. From that love of reading came my love of writing. I love the fact that I'm in control of the characters, and that I get to decide what happens.
Other things I love: music, singing, my beautiful MacBook Pro, sleeping in, summer, the beach, Grey's Anatomy, traveling, Glee, and student council.
Stayed tuned for more posts from me! I'm so thrilled to be a part of this site. Also, follow my personal blog and/or Twitter! :)
Joined Deliriously Falling May 2011
Age: Fifteen
Location: Massachusetts
Introducing Cary!
4:25 PM Posted by Cary Cheyenne.
Hi everyone! I told you we had some great news to share with you! Guess what? Our group has grown! We're now five Delirious Girls, and proud of it.
Our new girls have written some very cool facts about themselves to share with you. Let's give them a warm welcome!
xo, Ella
About Cary:
Hi world, I'm Cary Cheyenne. I am a book blogger, as I'm sure most of you have already figured out. I haven't been blogging that long at all, just a few months seriously. So, I am somewhat new to this world but I find myself adapting quickly. I've always been a reader, I honestly can't remember a time where I haven't had a book in my hand. I love reading, writing and anything that has to do with literature. Creativity is key. I have an insane amount of passion for books, quotes, art and music. I'm a very visual person as well, so expect several photos from me within a review. You can see what I mean by viewing my own blog which is called "Cary's Corner, in The Writing Wonderland." I relate songs to books and I add a "theme song" in most of my book reviews. I like connecting books with music and vice versa. I'm almost nineteen and I'm a student, so sometimes I will get a little preoccupied but don't worry, I'll never forget about Deliriously Falling. Lauren Oliver has been one of my favorite authors since she debuted. I find her writing to be incredible and her personality to be like no other. She is the epitome of what I hope to be as a writer. I hope to talk to you all soon! Follow my personal blog and/or my Twitter.
Joined Deliriously Falling May, 2011.
Age: Nineteen.
Location: Florida.
Age: Nineteen.
Location: Florida.